

About Ocean!

Mr. Ocean Chan was born in 2006. He is a very young innovative technologist. He has been the Patent Inventor and Owner of “Systems and Methods for Creating Study Plan via Artificial Intelligence” (Patent No.: HK1250600) since 12 years old. He has co-found iTact (social enterprise) and applied the patent in developing the “Edventures” online self-directed learning platform.


Ocean is now a Form Three student studying at St. Stephen’s College, and also Chairman of Inno Tech Club in 2020-2021. He got the “Computer & Information Technology” and “Design & Technology” subject prizes, in 2019-2020 and 2018-2019 respectively.

他現時就讀於聖士提反書院中三級,並且是該校2020-2021年度Inno Tech Club學會主席。他分別在2019-2020及2018-2019年度於校內獲得「電腦與資訊科技」及「設計與科技」學科獎。

Ocean is also Advisor for Totaltact Network, an e-think tank by making use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data, to collect and analyze the views from social media and the public to form a mega cross-domain knowledge platform.
